
Distinctive and outstanding with pine forests overgrown inland dunes are a unique in all Latvia. Arrays central part is taken by Mārkalnu dunes array, which has been created by more than 20 parallel to each other stand up curved dune ranges. Array is located on right side of road Valka – Vireši and area of array is more than 30 ...


Near from Zāģezers is source where people from Valka are going to get pure water. In 2009 was competition about name of this source and citizens offered many versions and now it calls “Žāģavots”. In 2010 was improvement for surroundings – made place for swimmers, set up trashcans, lights and new way to the source Zāģavots.   Location: 3km ...


Zāģezers is lake. Lake`s area – 13ha and average depth – 1.4 m. Around the Zāģezers, there is forest. Also there is beach with beach volleyball fields, camp-fire place, cabins for changing, toilets.   Location: 3km from centre of Valka, in the end of Varoņu street. GPS 57o47’38’’ 26o58’46’’ ...


Legend says: Ancient times Estonians came to Latvia to pillage. Those soldiers` wifes accompany them and stayed near Pedeles river to wait for their coming back. Wifes wait for a long time, but husbands didn’t come, so they went into the river, because of deep sorrow. Only one promised to wait all life. A wife sit and cried till her soul and body ...
