
Kokšu lakes nature path  is located at the protected landscape area “Ziemeļgauja”. Along the trail you can find 16 stands with information about protected natural territories, about “Ziemeļgauja” and its natural resources-forest and water habitats, birds and animals. There are 3 different trails-everyone could choose ...


Gaujas/Koivas cultural heritage paths length is 60 km. The paths one half is located in Latvia, but the other-in Estonia. Together in the path are 42 points of interest. Next to these objects there are stands with information in 3 languages-Latvian, Estonian and English. The entire length is suitable for riding a bike, also there are 2 km long walking ...


Vijciems Cone Drying Facility is a unique cultural and historical object. This is one of the oldest cone kilns in Latvia. The same wellhead equipment has been used for over 100 years. Vijciems Cone Drying Facility offers: Tours for groups and individual visitors A demonstration of the cycle of processing pine and spruce cones Information about ...


„Rest healthy” is rural adventure for families with children  - recreation and enjoyment of real rural life with its specific food and works. Animal ranch with more than 100 animals – goats, sheep, more than 50 different breeds of rabbits, piglets, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese and pony – Pegass. Children have a chance ...


Active tourism offer: Horse riding 3,00 EUR/h Horseback ride in surroundings 3,00 EUR/h Trainings 3,00 EUR/h Cart services - in summer – the cart, in winter – on sleigh 15,00 EUR/h Campfire places Boat rent Camping place With doctors prescription and parents permit (for children, for adults-without permit) we offer posture ...


Path is located 2.1 km from Zīle and it is the  continuation to  Zīles nature path. Its length – 0.5 km, about 45 minutes by walking.   Nature path with informative stands about deversity of plants in dry and calcareous meadows, also about centenarian oaks.   You can watch old river and meadows from 2 platforms. ...


Path starts in the center of Zīle. You can get to Zīle by turning of from Valkas – Smiltenes highway. You just have to follow the sign to the  SIA “Ieviņas” sawmill.   In nature path there are different kind of objects, but mostly European significance protected forest habitats.   Along the trail ...


The Church has built in 1852 and it is one of the eight churches in Latvia, wich external walls are made of scaled wooden boards. There are national importance art monuments – altar and wooden altar piece „ The Lord’s Supper”. Nowadays in church took place Sunday School and twice a month public worships.   Location: Vijciema ...


In nowadays we can still visit very impressive in 14. century built Livonian  Castle ruins with round corner tower which is two storeys height. Around the ruins there are an old park with many larches from Russia and white firs from Siberia.   Castle is located in centre of Ērģeme. Livonian Castle in history sources was mentioned ...


A deer garden where, in an area of 220 ha  lives 150 stags, some roes, beefs and sheeps.  You can see them from the viewing tower. Also you can rent a bike, but people who are active can try sporting-shooting discipline. Before coming you need to coordinate the owner.   Location: Kārķu parish  GPS 57o51’27’’ ...


Lustiņdruvas path is located in the specially protected nature territory -Ziemeļvidzemes Biosphere Reserve. Historically Lustiņdruva even from manor times and from first indenpendence times were made as the place where you can rest. In this time the manor gardener in the forest made walking paths. Receive force and climb the hill. There will be a ...


Vidzemes farmstead “Ielīcas” is a state protected cultural heritage monument, which its revival has begun in 2006. “Ielīcas” is located in Valkas municipality in Vijciema parish.   The layout of the buildings is the yard system, typical of northern Vidzeme. The buildings have preserved many ancient construction ...


Lutheran congregation in Kārķu parish  is established in 1994. It is worth to visit church in the night, because in 2002 this church got “Latvenergo”award: “Brightest building in Vidzeme”.   Most of the construction was financed by Berlins lutheran church congregation, but also by Swedish missionaries ...


Lugaži was orders vassal castle. Till nowadays from castle nothing has left, also information about castles destruction time can not be find. There is a possibility that the castle was blewed up in time of Northen war. In nowadays remained is manor building complex, also fragments from park, alley and water tank.     Location: Lugaži, ...
