Writer R. Eidemanis (May, 1895- December 6, 1937 ). The monument was opened in october 29, 1967 and author of it is M. Lange. Roberts Eidemanis was born in Lejasciems.
In 1907, Roberts Eidemanis ended parish school, and then he set in Valkas science bias school. In his class, he was one of the best student. He was interested in science, history and physics, but most of them he liked literature. Often , he spent his time in libray, and pretty often he went to the book store. He liked very much Latvian poet works.
First poem he write in 1908, but in 1910 comes out his first collection of poems- „Straumē” Then he tryed to write also prose. In Valka Roberts Eidemanis take a part in illegal young people crowd, where he first time get acquainted to a marxian ideas.
In July 5, 1914 Roberts Eidemanis get certificate about ending science bias school. First World war mess up his thoughts to study in Rigas polytechnical institute. After that he goes to Petrograd.
In 1916 two years after getting in Petrograd wood institue, R. Veidemani called into army, he graduated Kiev military school. In the time of revolution he became a marked commander of Red army. He had taken high military positions.
Life of Roberts Eidemanis tragicaly come to a sudden stop at Juny 12, 1937 in Moscow. He is inhumed right there, in churchyard of Donna.
Impress, that in our country stayed Roberts Eidemanis are lating.
Location: In the corner of Seminara and Beverinas street, Valka.
GPS 57o46'23" 26o1'7"
Location on the map: here